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About The Direct And The Inderect Election

Artikel terkait : About The Direct And The Inderect Election

After their victory in 2014 presidential election, Jokowi - Jk under the name Koalisi Indonesia Hebat (Great Indonesian Coalition) still confronted a battle from their rival Prabowo-Hatta under the name Koalisi Merah Putih (The Red-white coalition) constitutes the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), The National Awakening Party (PKB), The National Democratic Party (Nasdem), People’s Consciences Party (Hanura) and The Indonesian Justice and Unity Party (PKPI). The red- white coalition constitutes The Great Indonesia Movement Party (Geridra) and The National Mandate Party(PAN), The Functional Groups (Golkar), The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), The United Development Party (PPP) and The Crescent Star Party(PBB). The two opposing coalitions gained tremendous support from their respective fans throughout the country that ended in a dramatic victory by Jokowi-Jk after the verdict was officially announced by the general election commission (KPU).

Prior to their defeat during the election process a permanent coalition was established by the red- white coalition in order to strengthen their resistance in the house of representative (Gedung DPR). The KMP with the gain 292 seats will gain more resistance and dominance to empower their roles compare with KIH with the gain of only 207 seats. One possible advantage of these dominating seats will enable the KMP to alleviate the constitution that may benefit their own member of supporting parties. One the changes that sounded to political that was concerned general election constitution. The KMP insisted on returning to the previous system that is through representative Member of Parliament for election to governor, mayor and regent. This change of law will benefit the KMP in projecting the future leader in the regional and national level to set up the governor and the regent or mayor from their own group.

Idrus Marham, the executive coordinator of KMP, confirmed that many laws and regulation have not yet reflected the state ideology of Pancasila and 1945 constitution. The statement was not in line with the idea forward by the winning rival Jokowi-Jk. The statement was assumed to be the tactic in overthrowing the inauguration Jokowi-Jk as the seventh president scheduled on October 20 th 2014. Therefore, this discussion will center on the positive and negative impact of direct and indirect elections.

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General secretary of PPP, M Romahurmuzy, stated, “ if the head of region will be selected by parliament member, then it could save up to Rp 50 billion within five years“. This great amount of fund is more beneficial when it is allocated to infrastructure, education, and prosperity of the people. The government will no longer require instruments of general election such as ballot paper, ballot boxes and so on. Neither the government need to establish socialization process nor formation of election committee. In addition, this practice will minimize the chance of bribery and money politics that potentially generate disruptive behavior, such as corruption that often involves the party and the candidate.

However , according to some political observers the local election by parliament is democracy setback. This practice would not provide the chance for the people to have their right to vote for their favorable candidate. Ridwan Kamil, mayor of Bandung, was one example of qualified candidate who was not from political party promoted by Gerindra and PKS. He is from ordinary people having good Integrity and capability so that people favored him. Another figure from non-political party who shown his success and integrity in helping the poor and improved the rate of unemployment in the region is Nurdin Abdullah, Regent of Bantaeng, South Sulawesi.

To sum​​ up , the direct and indirect election is not against the constitution because these systems are still reflection of real democracy. The difference only lies in the method of implementation. Both methods have been practiced so far during the presidential election. The indirect election was held in 2004 and the indirect election was held in subsequent period starting from 2005 up to 2014. The system was in accordance with the concept outlined in Pancasila on fourth principles Democracy Guided by the Inner Wisdom in the Unanimity Arising Out of Deliberations Amongst Representatives“ and in accordance with the 1945 constitution (Article 18: Governors, Regents (bupati) and Mayors (walikota), respectively as the head of regional government of the provinces, regencies and municipalities, shall be elected democratically). From these vie ws, the negative and positive side of both direct and indirect election can be compared and contrasted.

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